
多達四分之一的人睡眠不足。 隨著非處方補充品越來越多,選擇正確的解決方法可能是一項困難的任務。

於Refine Naturals™, 我們根據您的需要配製並提供 2 種有效的睡眠補充方法。

Refine Naturals™ SLEEP


Refine Naturals™ SLEEP

這產品混合 Passion Flower, Hops 和 Lemon Balm 的配方,不僅可以促進安寧的睡眠,還可以提高睡眠質素不含 Melatonin ,適用於對 Melatonin 特別敏感或因某些身體狀況無法服用激素的人士。

Refine Naturals™ SLEEP FAST


Refine Naturals™ SLEEP FAST

這產品的配方僅含 Melatonin,一種助眠劑,適合難以入睡的人士。 它還有助於減少時差的反應。 我們創出了這單一成分的產品作為 03 Sleep 的附加產品以獲得完整的睡眠補充方法,亦可作單一產品適用於難以入睡或作輪班工作的人士。

單一成分配方可以容易調整 ,以最低劑量高效發揮Melatonin的作用 。

Total Sleep Solution Bundle 現可節省 $10

Refine Naturals™ Total Sleep Solutions Bundle


Refine Naturals™ SLEEP




  • Hops, Strobile 10:1 extract (Humulus lupulus) - 250 mg
  • Lemon balm, Herb top 4:1 extract (Melissa officinalis) - 200 mg
  • Passionflower, Herb top 10:1 extract (Passiflora incarnata) - 125 mg

羥丙甲纖維素, 硬脂酸鎂, 微晶纖維素, 二氧化鈦


A. Hops

Scientific Evidence

Hops are the flowers (also called seed cones or strobiles) of the hop plant Humulus lupulus. They are used primarily as a bittering, flavouring, and stability agent in beer, to which, in addition to bitterness, they impart floral, fruity, or citrus flavours and aromas. Recent evidence has suggested Hops improves sleep quality by modulating GABA receptors thereby increasing GABA activity in the brain.

  • Franco L, Sánchez C, Bravo R, Rodriguez A, Barriga C, Juánez JC. The sedative effects of hops (Humulus lupulus), a component of beer, on the activity/rest rhythm. Acta Physiol Hung. 2012;99(2):133-139. doi:10.1556/APhysiol.99.2012.2.6
  • Franco L, Sánchez C, Bravo R, et al. The sedative effect of non-alcoholic beer in healthy female nurses. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e37290. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037290

B. Lemon Balm

Scientific Evidence

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is lemon scented herb and is native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. Sources date the medicinal use of lemon balm to over 2000 years ago through the Greeks and Romans. In traditional medicine, M. officinalis leaves have been prescribed for the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, liver, and bile. Several studies show that lemon balm combined with other calming herbs (such as valerian, hops, and chamomile) helps reduce anxiety and promote sleep by increasing the release of chemical messengers (e.g. GABA) inside the brain.

  • Haybar H, Javid AZ, Haghighizadeh MH, Valizadeh E, Mohaghegh SM, Mohammadzadeh A. The effects of Melissa officinalis supplementation on depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorder in patients with chronic stable angina. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018;26:47-52. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2018.04.015
  • Ranjbar M, Firoozabadi A, Salehi A, et al. Effects of Herbal combination (Melissa officinalis L. and Nepeta menthoides Boiss. & Buhse) on insomnia severity, anxiety and depression in insomniacs: Randomized placebo controlled trial. Integr Med Res. 2018;7(4):328-332. doi:10.1016/j.imr.2018.08.001

C. Passion Flower

Scientific Evidence

Passion flower is a climbing vine that is native to the southeastern United States, and Central and South America. Traditionally it has often been used to treat lack of sleep. Recent literature has reaffirmed this belief and postulates that it does so by inhibiting reuptake of GABA in the brain so as to increase its concentration.

  • Guerrero FA, Medina GM. Effect of a medicinal plant (Passiflora incarnata L) on sleep. Sleep Sci. 2017;10(3):96-100. doi:10.5935/1984-0063.20170018
  • Ngan A, Conduit R. A double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation of the effects of Passiflora incarnata (passionflower) herbal tea on subjective sleep quality. Phytother Res. 2011;25(8):1153-1159. doi:10.1002/ptr.3400


Refine Naturals™ SLEEP FAST




  • N-Acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine (Melatonin) - 3 mg

羥丙甲纖維素, 硬脂酸鎂, 微晶纖維素



Scientific Evidence

Melatonin also known as sleep hormone is produced by the pineal gland located in the brain. Melatonin is a serotonin-derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. As a dietary supplement, it is often used for the short-term treatment of sleep onset insomnia and insomnia related to altered sleep schedule e.g., jet lag, shift work.

  • Ferracioli-Oda, E., Qawasmi, A., & Bloch, M. H. (2013). Meta-analysis: melatonin for the treatment of primary sleep disorders. PloS one, 8(5), e63773.
  • Tordjman, S., Chokron, S., Delorme, R., Charrier, A., Bellissant, E., Jaafari, N., & Fougerou, C. (2017). Melatonin: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Benefits. Current neuropharmacology, 15(3), 434–443.
  • Costello, R. B., Lentino, C. V., Boyd, C. C., O'Connell, M. L., Crawford, C. C., Sprengel, M. L., & Deuster, P. A. (2014). The effectiveness of melatonin for promoting healthy sleep: a rapid evidence assessment of the literature. Nutrition journal, 13, 106.

